“Loteria Ollin” Game


Lotería Ollin draws its name from the Nahuatl word “Ollin,” meaning movement.  Ollin symbolizes the dynamic force of continuous motion and change.  This resonates profoundly with the Dolores Huerta Foundation’s mission,  embodying the relentless pursuit of social justice and community empowerment,  emphasizing the ongoing movement toward positive transformation through organizing  and civic engagement. In the spirit of Ollin, the Lotería game becomes a symbolic tool,  fostering awareness and engagement as players participate in the Foundation’s journey  towards a more just and equitable democracy. 

Lotería is a traditional Mexican game similar to bingo. Lotería is often played at family  reunions, parties, and social gatherings. This game uses a deck of cards with  images on them, and each of the cards is called while the players mark their game boards.

Set includes: 10 tablas (playing boards) , 54 playing cards, backpack carrying case, and instructions.

Category: Games

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