Contact Us


To support the work of the Dolores Huerta Foundation.
Para apoyar el trabajo de la Fundación Dolores Huerta.


For Questions Regarding Donations, Planned Giving, or Recurring Gifts

If you have any questions or need assistance with donations, planned giving, or setting up recurring gifts, please contact:

Christian Baer (661) 310-0527

Press/Media – TV

For Press/Media-TV officials interview requests for Dolores Huerta, community or family members and/or staff or board members affiliated with Dolores Huerta Foundation, please use the following link.

Para solicitudes de Prensa / Medios de Dolores Huerta y / u otros afiliados a la Fundación Dolores Huerta por favor complete el enlace abajo.

Event Speaker

To request/invite event speaker participation of Dolores Huerta, community or family members and/or staff or board members affiliated with Dolores Huerta Foundation, please use the following link.

Para solicitar la participación de Dolores Huerta, u otra persona afiliada a la Fundación Dolores Huerta, en un evento por favor utilice el enlace abajo.

dolores contact


For matters not related to interviews and/or event speaker requests, please use this form.

    D O N A T E ♡