Angela Cabrera

Registered Nurse

Angela began her nursing career in 1995 at Kern Medical Center in Bakersfield, California. The experience she gained at this county facility was both exciting and troubling. Recognizing a lack of bilingual nurses, Angela saw more clearly than ever the need for the work and education of the Dolores Huerta Foundation.

Her interest in cardiac care led her to the Bakersfield Heart Hospital where she spent ten years working in their ER and cardiac catherization lab.

Her nursing career has led her to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation where nursing care and reform are needed more than ever. The disproportionate amount of young men of color in the prison system demands adequate care.

Angela has two wonderful daughters, Karena and Christina, both of whom are socially conscious and kind. Her husband of twenty-five years, David, has also taken justice, professionalism and kindness to his long career with the California Highway Patrol. Together, Angela’s family will continue the legacy her mother started.

angela cabrera
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